IMSML Website Article 27/2024: Resolution MEPC.361(79) - Amendments to MARPOL ANNEX VI

This is a continuation of the articles on Resolutions Adopted by the 79th Session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 79) of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). IMSML Website Article 27/2024 deals specifically with amendments to MARPOL ANNEX VI, which came into force on 1 May 2024, via Malaysian Shipping Notice (MSN 08/2023), Appendix I.

The amendments in Annex VI concern the Mediterranean Sea Emission Control Centre for Sulphur Oxides and Particulate Matter. Resolution MEPC.361(79), originally adopted by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) on 16 December 2022, effectively amends Regulation 17 of ARPOL Annex IV. The official name for these amendments are:

Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1997 to Amend the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as Modified by the Protocol of 1978 Relating Thereto.

Regulation 14

A new paragraph 3.5 has been inserted into Regulation 14 to clarify the geographical scope of application of the amended set of rules. Regulation 3.5 now stipulates that the Mediterranean Sea Emission Control Area, mean the area described by the coordinate provided in Appendix VII to this Annex.

The Coordinates in Appendix VII in a New Paragraph 4

The area covered by the amended rules now includes all waters bound by the coasts of Europe, Africa and Asia. The particular coordinates are as follows:

[1] The western entrance of the Straits of Gibraltar, defined as a line joining the extremities of Cape Trafalgar, Spain (36°11'.00 N,

6°02'.00 W) and Cape Spartel, Morocco (35°48'.00 N, 5°55'.00 W);

[2] the Strait of Canakkale, defined as a line joining Mehmetcik Burnu

(40°03'N, 26°11'E) and Kumkale Burnu (40° 01'.00 N, 26 ° 12'.00 E)

[3] the northern entrance to the Suez Canal excluding the area enclosed

by geodesic lines connecting points 1-4 with the following coordinates:

Point        Latitude               Longitude

1               31˚29'.00 N        32°16'.00 E

2              31˚29'.00 N        32°28'.48 E

3              31˚14'.00 N        32°32'.62 E

4              31˚14'.00 N        32°16'.00 E

With inclusion of the coordinates, the zones for complies are now clearly set out in IMO’s regulatory regime. Clarity and precision are hallmarks of an efficient regulatory regime.

Thank you for reading IMSML Website Article 27/2024

Stay tuned for the next IMSML Website Article 28/2024: Resolution MEPC.362(79) - Amendments to MARPOL ANNEX IV

Signing-off for today,

Dr Irwin Ooi Ui Joo, LL.B(Hons.)(Glamorgan); LL.M (Cardiff); Ph.D (Cardiff); CMILT

Professor of Maritime and Transport Law

Head of the Centre for Advocacy and Dispute Resolution

Faculty of Law

Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam

Selangor, Malaysia

Tuesday,  7 May 2024

Note that I am the corresponding author for the IMSML Website Articles. My official email address is: