Article 23/2023 — IMSML

 IMSML Website Article 23/2023: Resolution MSC.263(84)/Rev.1 – Performance Standards and Functional Requirements for The Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships, Part 6 of 10 - Paragraph 10, International LRIT Data Exchange

This article is Part 6 (of a series of articles consisting of 10 parts) on Resolution MSC.263(84)/Rev.1. Today’s articles is on Paragraph 10 of Performance Standards and Functional Requirements for The Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships, dealing specifically with the LRIT Data Exchange (as opposed to the Data Centre).

Paragraph 10.1 and 10.2 - Setting up and Coordination

Paragraph 10.1 provides for the establishment of a recognised LRIT Data Centre. Cooperation and coordination is required for the setting up of this body, see Paragraph 10.2.

Paragraph 10.3 - Features of an International LRIT Data Exchange

There are 15 features identified, which are reproduced here in verbatim:

[1] route LRIT information between LRIT Data Centres using the information provided in the LRIT Data Distribution Plan, see Paragraph 10.3.1;

[2] be connected to all LRIT Data Centres and the LRIT Data Distribution Plan server, see Paragraph 10.3.2;

[3] use a store and forward-buffer to ensure LRIT information is received, see Paragraph 10.3.3;

[4] automatically maintain journal(s) containing message header information only which may be used for:

(a) invoicing functions and settlement of invoicing disputes, see Paragraph; and

(b) audit purposes, see Paragraph;

[5] archive journal(s), for at least one year and until such time as the Committee reviews and accepts the LRIT Coordinator's annual report of the audit of its performance. However, the archived journal(s) should provide a complete record of the activities of the exchange between two consecutive annual audits of its performance, see Paragraph 10.3.5;

[6] receive journal(s) from Regional, Cooperative and the International LRIT Data Centre and combine these journal(s) with its own journal(s), see Paragraph 10.3.6;

[7] prepare, as necessary, performance-related statistical information based on the information contained in the journal(s), see Paragraph 10.3.7;

[8] use a standard protocol for communications agreed protocols to connect with LRIT Data Centres and the LRIT Data Distribution Plan server, see Paragraph 10.3.8;

[9] use a standard secure access method with the LRIT Data Centres and the LRIT Data Distribution Plan server, see Paragraph 10.3.9;

[10] use a standard and expandable message format for communicating with the LRIT Data Centres and the LRIT Data Distribution Plan server, see Paragraph 10.3.10;

[11] use reliable connections (e.g. TCP) to ensure that the LRIT information is successfully received by the LRIT Data Centres, see Paragraph 10.3.11;

[12] not have the capability to archive LRIT information, see Paragraph 10.3.12;

[13] not have the capability to view or access the LRIT information, see Paragraph 10.3.13;

[14] have access to the current LRIT Data Distribution Plan and to earlier versions of the plan, see Paragraph 10.3.14; and

[15] receive pricing information from LRIT Data Centres, see Paragraph 10.3.15.

In a nutshell, Paragraphs [1]-[15] above provide for the connection, routing, storage, documentation of data, via a standard protocol which gives standardised access, archiving, reliable services that are appropriately priced. The technical specifications of the LRIT Data Centre, should be in line with the International LRIT Data Exchange for efficiency of communications within the LRIT system and the LRIT Data Distribution Plan, see Paragraph 10.4. In particular, there should be compliance with the Long-range identification and tracking system - Technical Documentation (Part I), see MSC.1/Ciric.1259, as revised).

Paragraph 10.5 - Access Function of the International LRIT Data Exchange

The first functional capability is to provide the LRIT Coordinator with offline access to all journals, see Paragraph 10.5.1. Second, provision of offline access is restricted. Only LRIT Information requested and provided can be accessed offline by Contracting Governments and the LRIT Data Centres, see Paragraph 10.5.2.

Paragraph 10.6 - Performance of the International LRIT Data Exchange

The performance should be audited by the LRIT Coordinator, see Paragraph 10.6. The International LRIT Data Exchange is under an obligation to cooperate with the audit. For example, this includes making available to the LRIT Coordinator the information needed for a satisfactory completion of a performance audit, see Paragraph 10.6.1. Financial obligations of the LRIT Data Exchange should be settled via the LRIT Coordinator in a timely manner, in accordance with agreed arrangements, see Paragraph 10.6.2.

Thank you for reading IMSML Website Article 23/2023

Stay tuned for the next IMSML Website Article 24/2023: Resolution MSC.263(84)/Rev.1 – Performance Standards and Functional Requirements for The Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships, Part 7 of 10 - Paragraph 11, LRIT Data Distribution Plan

Signing-off for today,

Dr Irwin Ooi Ui Joo, LL.B(Hons.)(Glamorgan); LL.M (Cardiff); Ph.D (Cardiff); CMILT

Professor of Maritime and Transport Law

Head of the Centre for Advocacy and Dispute Resolution

Faculty of Law

Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam

Selangor, Malaysia

Wednesday, 25 September 2023

Note that I am the corresponding author for the IMSML Website Articles. My official email address is: