As elected President of IMSML for year 2022, I was given the honour to attend the Comité Maritime International Assembly and Conference 2022 in Antwerp, Belgium from 18 th to 21 st October 2022 (CMI Conference 2022).
IMSML represents Malaysia as one of the national maritime law associations which are members of the Comité Maritime International (CMI). Ever since its formation in 1897, CMI has worked to promote the uniform application of international maritime law through the establishment of national maritime law associations and cooperation with other international organisations. CMI has adopted a number of international treaty instruments to regulate global shipping including amongst others the 1910 Collision Convention which established the rules for legal liability arising from collisions of ships at sea, and the 1910 Salvage Convention.
Antwerp was aptly chosen as the venue of CMI Conference 2022 as it is the birthplace of CMI and it was also held in conjunction with the 125th anniversary of CMI, in celebrating years of commitment and excellence to the development of maritime law.
Themed “Celebrating 125 Years of Promoting Uniformity of Maritime Law”, it was a much-awaited event held after the pandemic that affected travelling in most parts of the world and which also led to the postponement of the initially planned conference that was scheduled to take place in Tokyo, Japan in 2020.
CMI Conference 2022 turned out to be a successful and well organised event that brought together about 400 delegates from various maritime nations across the world. The Conference program was lined up with meetings of international working groups and standing committees of the CMI in various locations throughout Antwerp city which for the first time was opened for delegates to attend, concurrent streams of sessions on various topics including Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS), Container Security, Offshore Activities, Cybercrime in Shipping, Judicial Sale of Ships, Maritime Law & Refugees, Marine Insurance, General Average, Unified Interpretation of the Test for Breaking Limitation, Polar Shipping , Maritime Law Issues in Courts and Fair Treatment of Seafarers and also a Breakfast Meeting hosted by the CMI President for the presidents of all national maritime law association members of the CMI.
Delegates were also invited to attend several social events organised everyday throughout the Conference which provided a wonderful networking opportunity for everyone. Starting with the walk through the historical CMI HQ and the Eugène Van Mieghem museum on the 1 st day, followed by the “Welcome on board!" toast with champagne and oyster bar at La Riva, a Welcome reception on the 2nd day at the beautiful Botanic Sanctuary Antwerp (Amaryllis), a formal Gala dinner at the ancient Room Verlat Marble Hall adjacent to the famous Antwerp Zoo on the 3 rd day and finally a Farewell Cocktail at the Felix Pakhuis.
On the last day of the Conference, delegates congregated in the main Queens Elizabeth Hall for the CMI General Assembly to elect the new Executive Council of CMI, Dr. Ann Fenech from Malta was elected as the first-ever female President of the CMI. A well-deserved role indeed as Dr Ann Fenech had played an instrumental role in representing the CMI as the chief co-ordinator for the CMI Working Group at UNCITRAL which was deliberating and working on the CMI Beijing Draft on the Convention of Judicial Sales of Ships. In June 2022, the Commission approved the draft convention and the convention is now before the General Assembly of the United Nations for adoption.
For me personally, it was a wonderful and unique opportunity to meet with other like-minded people and exchange views with prominent and knowledgeable colleagues in the maritime field from various maritime nations, to learn from their experiences, to gain knowledge from all the sessions and getting first hand updates of the latest developments in maritime law. Of particular interest to me was the Convention on Judicial Sale of Ships which I would hope and endeavour to see being adopted and ratified by many maritime countries including Malaysia.
As a member of CMI, IMSML has an important role to play in steering the path for Malaysia to be a part of the uniform application of international maritime laws which is essential to grow Malaysia into an internationally recognised, respectable and developed maritime nation.
Wan Hilwanie Ariff
7th Annual General Meeting 2022
The 7th Annual General Meeting was held at 3.00PM on Friday, 22nd April 2022 via Zoom platform.
The International Malaysian Society of Maritime Law (IMSML) is pleased to announce the new members of our elected Committee who will begin their term following the AGM on 22 April 2022.
International Malaysian Society of Maritime Law
2022/2023 Elected Committee Members
Wan Hilwanie Ariff, President
Trishelea Ann Sandosam, Vice President
Vinodhini Benjamin Samuel, Hon. Secretary
Clive Navin Selvapandian, Treasurer
Desmond Sahathevan, Committee Member
Nor Suzylyana Idris, Committee Member
Dato’ Wan Ezrulnizan Khalil, Committee Member
Thompson Luke Joseph, Committee Member
Lydiana Mansor, Committee Member
Prof Dr Irwin Ooi Ui Joo, Committee Member
The Society wishes to express their sincere appreciation and gratitude to all members who were present and actively participated in the 7th Annual General Meeting of IMSML.
Interview with Maritime Personalities : Capt. K Subramaniam
In this episode of the interview, our guest, Captain K Subramaniam, discusses current issues facing the shortage of seafarers, the impact of Covid-19 on ports and shipping, the post-pandemic situation and the IMO Green Voyage 2050.
Interview with Maritime Personalities : Sitpah Selvaratnam
Learning is a continuous process and lifelong learning is critical to the advancement of any career. IMSML is sponsoring interview sessions with key maritime personalities in our industry. In this compelling episode of the interview, our guest, Sitpah Selvaratnam, brings her 30 years of experience to bear as lawyer. Her challenges, high and lows will inspire you to shoot for the stars.
The Arrest of The Superyacht Equanimity Seminar
May 5, 2021, Concorde Hotel Kuala Lumpur - The Arrest of The Superyacht Equanimity seminar organised by Legal Plus Sdn Bhd was based on the recently released book “The Arrest of the Superyacht Equanimity”, which highlights our former President, Sitpah Selvaratnam the author of the book and the legal team on how Malaysia successfully reclaimed what was hers. This is the first seminar to deliver insights into the the rare arrest, delicate management, and difficult sale of the Superyacht Equanimity by Malaysia, that recovered a historic USD 126 million in proceeds of an admiralty judicial sale.
There was also a book signing opportunity for the participants.
6th Annual General Meeting 2021
The 6th Annual General Meeting was held at 3.00PM on Wednesday, 27th April 2021 via Zoom platform.
The International Malaysian Society of Maritime Law (IMSML) is pleased to announce the new members of our elected Committee who will begin their term following the AGM on 27 April 2021.
International Malaysian Society of Maritime Law
2021/2022 Elected Committee Members
Jeremy M Joseph, President
Wan Hilwanie Ariff, Vice President
Trishelea Ann Sandosam, Hon. Secretary
Clive Navin Selvapandian, Treasurer
Saravanan Krishna, Committee Member
Desmond Sahathevan, Committee Member
Nor Suzylyana Idris, Committee Member
Dato’ Wan Ezrulnizan Khalil, Committee Member
Thompson Luke Joseph, Committee Member
Wiwin Abdul Kahar, Committee Member
The Society wishes to express their sincere appreciation and gratitude to all members who were present and actively participated in the 6th Annual General Meeting of IMSML.
5th Annual General Meeting 2020
Due to the Covid-19 situation, the Registrar of Societies has permitted all societies to hold their AGM by 31st December 2020. The IMSML could not hold their AGM in April 2020 and postponed it to 5th Nov 2020.
The International Malaysian Society of Maritime Law (IMSML) is pleased to announce new members of our elected Committee who will begin their term following the AGM on Thursday evening, 5 November 2020.
International Malaysian Society of Maritime Law
2020/2021 Elected Committee Members
Jeremy M Joseph, President
Wan Hilwanie Ariff, Vice President
Trishelea Ann Sandosam, Hon. Secretary
Clive Navin Selvapandian, Treasurer
Badariah Othman, Committee Member
Desmond Sahathevan, Committee Member
Lau Cheung Hoon, Committee Member
Saravanan Krishna, Committee Member
Thompson Luke Joseph, Committee Member
Wiwin Abdul Kahar, Committee Member
The Society wishes to express their sincere appreciation and gratitude to all members who were present and actively participated in the 5th Annual General Meeting of IMSML.
AIAC Webinar - Impact of COVID-19 on Shipping Disputes
President, Mr Jeremy Joseph was invited to participate as a panelist in the AIAC Webinar Series entitled “Impact of COVID-19 on Shipping Disputes” on 22nd Apr 2020. Several issues that were discussed included force majeure, charterparty problems, virtual hearings for urgent matters as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the overall outlook of shipping disputes.
ICMA XXI in Rio De Janeiro
The International Congress of Maritime Arbitrators (ICMA) was established in 1972 to provide a forum for maritime arbitrators and lawyers from around the world to exchange views and news of professional interest. An invitation was extended to the President of IMSML to present a paper at the ICMA XXI, which took place in Rio De Janeiro from 8 to 13 March 2020.
Presentation slides at the Concurrent 3 National Arbitration Issues - (Asia) on Monday, 9 March 2020.
Asian International Arbitration Centre
Arbitration is widely used among international shipping operators to solve almost every kind of dispute and, consequently, arbitral clauses are included in many maritime contract forms. With Asia’s growing demands today, it is not surprising to see Arbitration centres flourishing in key Asian cities. The Asian International Arbitration Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is proud to offer its facilities and services as a choice venue in Asia for resolving maritime and commercial disputes. Click on the video for more information.
Former IMSML Vice-President elevated to the Bench
The International Malaysian Society of Maritime Law (IMSML) wishes to offer our heartiest congratulations to former Vice-President, Ong Chee Kwan on his recent elevation to the Malaysian Bench. During His Lordship's tenure as the former Vice President of IMSML, he served the Committee with distinction. We appreciate his commitment to public service, which helps promote the cause of justice and upholding the rule of law.
We wish him every success in his new role as a Judicial Commissioner.

The International Malaysian Society of Maritime Law (IMSML) is pleased to announce new members to our elected Committee who will begin their term following the AGM on Tuesday, 30 April 2019.
International Malaysian Society of Maritime Law
2019 Elected Committee Members
Jeremy M Joseph, President
Wan Hilwanie Ariff, Vice President
Trishelea Ann Sandosam, Hon. Secretary
Aliah Mohamad Asri, Treasurer
Cyril Forbes, Committee Member
Lau Cheung Hoon, Committee Member
Leonard Loh, Committee Member
Leonard Shim, Committee Member
Rahayu Abd Ghani, Committee Member
Saravanan Krishnan, Committee Member
The Society wishes to express their sincere appreciation and gratitude to the outgoing President, Sitpah Selvaratnam who played a huge part in pioneering the formation of the Society, advancing maritime law reform and conceptualizing excellent educational programs for the nation's maritime industry.
Courtesy meeting with the Ministry of Transport, YB Anthony Loke
Courtesy meeting with the Ministry of Transport, YB Anthony Loke Siew Fook to discuss IMSML’s proposal to conduct a course on the fundamentals of shipping as part of the national efforts to revitalize the maritime industry.
Inaugural National Shipping and Port Council (NSPC) Engagement

31 Oct 2018, Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC) - President Sitpah Selvaratnam was Invited to present her paper entitled “Maritime Industry : Integrated Training for Greater Efficacy” at at the Inaugural National Shipping and Port Council (NSPC) Engagement.
AMIM Industry Experts Talk Series
Jeremy delivered a talk on Common Pitfalls and Legal Issues arising from Shipbuilding Contracts. Jeremy touched on, among others, the following :
Typical shipbuilding disputes
Standard form shipbuilding contracts
Overview of arbitration and the drafting of arbitration clauses
Benefits of arbitrating shipbuilding disputes in Malaysia
Maritime Law Review 4

May 16, 2018, members of several key government officials and representatives from associations in Malaysia gather for the 4th round table to discuss expediting maritime legislative reform.
The meeting was chaired by YA Bhg Tun Dato' Seri Zaki Bin Tun Azmi & Ms Sitpah Selvaratnam
AGM 2018
The 3rd AGM for IMSML was held on 25 April 2018 at the Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC) in Kuala Lumpur. Members participated in an engaging presentation by society President, Sitpah Selvaratnam and discussed about strategies on membership drive.
Sitpah Selvaratnam, Ong Chee Kwan and Jeremy M Joseph were re-elected President, Vice-President and Hon. Secretary respectively for another term. Wan Hilwanie Ariff declined nomination for another term as Treasurer and Rahayu Mumazaini was elected to succeed her.
Office bearers 2018-2019
President - Sitpah Selvaratnam
Vice President - Ong Chee Kwan
Secretary - Jeremy M Joseph
Treasurer - Rahayu Mumazaini
Maritime Law Review Workshop
March 29, 2018, several key government representatives gathered in a collaborative effort to discuss expediting maritime legislative reform.
The meeting was chaired by Ms Sitpah Selvaratnam.
Malta Colloquium, High Level Technical Colloquium on a Draft International Instrument on Foreign Judicial Sales of Ships and Their Recognition
Jeremy M Joseph represented the IMSML at the Malta Colloquium, High Level Technical Colloquium on a Draft International Instrument on Foreign Judicial Sales of Ships and Their Recognition on 27th February 2018 at Malta Chamber of Commerce, Valetta, Malta.
Maritime Law Review Workshop, Miri, Sarawak
January 19, 2018 - IMSML presented papers on "Why Now and Who Benefits ? - The Case for Uniform Maritime Laws; LLMC, COGSA, BOLA & SOGA". Issues that were discussed in this round table meeting included the need for a uniform set of maritime laws between West and East Malaysia. The Meeting was chaired by the Rt Hon. Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak, Tan Sri Panglima Richard Malanjum. Those in attendance included committee members of IMSML, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Transport, members from the Malaysian Government and State Attorney-Generals.