IMSML Website Article 7/2023: Resolution MSC.525(106) - Amendments to the International Code on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers 2011 (2011 ESP Code), Part 2 of 4, Annex A, Part B

This article is Part 2 of 4 of the amendments to the 2011 ESP Code, by MSC 106, and released in Malaysia by MARDEP via MSN 03/2023. In particular, this article deals with Annex A, Part B, ie the second part of Annex A.

Part B of Annex A - ‘Code on enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers having double-side skin construction’

Renewal Survey (Paragraph 2.0) - Space Protection (Paragraph 2.3)

These are the details of a new Paragraph 2.3.1 which provided that examination is to be carried out on ballast tanks where provided, in particular, the condition of the tank and its corrosion prevention system is to be assessed. For ballast tanks and double-bottom tanks, annual surveys may be carried out and tanks examined where:

[1] A hard protective coating is found to be in less than ‘good’ condition (as defined in Paragraph 1.2.11) and is not renewed; OR

[2] A soft or semi-hard coating has been applied; OR

[3] A hard protective coating has not been applied from the time of construction.

Note: Where corrosion is extensive, thickness measurements shall be carried out. This as well as [1]-[3] is very familiar as it is also found in Annex A, Part A.

A new Paragraph 2.3.4 has also been added. These are the salient details:

[1] The provision applies to double-side skin spaced bounding cargo holds for bulk carriers;

[2] The paragraph is directed at older bulk carriers exceeding 20 years;

[3] Bulk carrier of 150m in length and upwards fall under the paragraph;

[4] The main target of the paragraph are vessels with hard protective coating that are found to be in ‘poor’ condition (as defined in Paragraph 1.2.11) and such coating is not renewed. Annual surveys and thickness measurements shall be carried out as deemed necessary by the surveyor;

[5] Annual surveys and a surveyor’s discretionary thickness measurements are also carried out where:

(a) A soft or semi-hard coating has been applied; OR

(b) A hard protective coating has not been applied from the time of construction.

Annual Survey, A New Paragraph 3.7 - Examination of double-side skin void spaces for bulk carriers exceeding 20 years of age and 150m in length and upwards

These are the features of the new Paragraph 3.7:

[1] Depending on the consequence of result from earlier renewal surveys and intermediate surveys, examination of the double-side skin void spaces shall be carried out.

[2] Where corrosion is found, thickness measurements are to be in accordance with Annex 10.

[3] Only when such thickness measure in [2] above are carried, can the survey be regarded as completed.

[4] It is mandatory for suspect areas identified at previous surveys to be examined.

[5] There is an exception for bulk carriers built under the IACS Common Structural Rules which allows the annual thickness gauging to be omitted. There are two conditions for this to be applicable:

(a) A protective coating has been applied in accordance with the coating manufacturer’s requirements; and

(b) Such coating is maintained in good condition.

Intermediate Survey, 4.2 Double-side skin bulk carriers 5 to 10 years of age

4.2 .1 Ballast Tanks

New Paragraph

Extension of examination to other ballast tanks of the same type where:

[1] A ballast tanks coating is found to be in less than Good condition;

[2] Corrosion or other defects are found in water ballast tanks;

[3] A hard protective coating was not applied from the time of construction.

A New Paragraph

For ballast tanks other than double-bottom tanks, examination and thickness measurements to be carried out as necessary at annual intervals by a surveyor where:

[1] A hard protective coating is found to be in less than Good condition and it is not renewed; OR

[2] A soft or semi-hard coating has been applied; OR

[3] A hard protective coating was not applied from the time of construction.

Double-bottom tanks may be examined at annual intervals where:

[1] There is breakdown of hard protective coating; OR

[2] A soft or semi-hard coating has been applied; OR

[3] A hard protective has not been applied.

Where a surveyor considers it necessary, or where there is extensive corrosion exists, thickness measurements shall be carried out for double-bottom tanks.

ANNEX 7 - Condition Evaluation Report (Executive Hull Summary Report)

Content of the Condition Evaluation Report

There is a new Part 5 for tank / hold / double-sue skin void space corrosion prevention system. There should be a form indicating:

[1] Location of the coating;

[2] Condition of coating (if applicable).

A new Part 8 provides for a ‘Memoranda’ that documents the following:

[1] Acceptable defects;

[2] Any points of attention for future surveys, eg for suspect areas;

[3] Examination of ballast tanks and double-side skin void spaces at annual surveys due to coating breakdown.

Tank/hold Corrosion Prevention System

The table now holds columns for:

[1] Number of Tank / hold / void - All ballast tanks, cargo holds and double skin void spaces shall be listed according to its designated number.

[2] Tank / hold / void corrosion prevention system - There should be an indication whether there is coating (C) or whether there is no protection (NP).

[3] Coating condition - Standard applicable for the condition of the coating:

(a) GOOD - Only minor spot rusting;

(b) FAIR - Local breakdown of coating at the edges of stiffeners and weld connections and/or light rusting over 20% or more of areas under consideration, but less than defined for POOR condition;

(c) POOR - general breakdown of coating over 20% or more areas or hard scale at 10% or more of areas under consideration. In particular:

(i) Ballast tanks - if coating condition of less than GOOD is given, tanks shall be examined at annual surveys. This shall be noted in Part 8 of the Contents of Condition Evaluation Report (ie Executive Hull Summary Report).

(ii) Double-side skin void spaces on bulk carriers exceeding 20 years of age and of 150m in length and upwards - if coating condition is rated POOR, annual surveys are to be conducted for those void spaces. Just like for ballast tanks, this shall be noted in Part 8 of the Contents of Condition Evaluation Report (ie Executive Hull Summary Report).

ANNEX 9 - Guidelines for Technical Assessment in Conjunction with Planning for Enhanced Survey of Double-Side Skin Bulk Carriers - Renewal Survey Hull

Three new references replaces the previous references:

[1] IACS, Recommendation 76: Guidelines for Surveys, Assessment and Repair of Hull Structure - Bulk Carriers, 2007;

[2] TSCF, Guidelines for the Inspection and Maintenance of Double Hull Tanker Structures, 1995;

[3] TSCF, Guidelines Manual for Tanker Structures, 1997

Thank you for reading IMSML Website Article 7/2023

Stay tuned for the next IMSML Website Article 8/2023: Resolution MSC.526(106) - Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code), Part 3 of 4, Annex B, Part A

Signing-off for today,

Dr Irwin Ooi Ui Joo, LL.B(Hons.)(Glamorgan); LL.M (Cardiff); Ph.D (Cardiff); CMILT

Professor of Maritime and Transport Law

Head of the Centre for Advocacy and Dispute Resolution

Faculty of Law

Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam

Selangor, Malaysia

Monday, 21 August 2023

Note that I am the corresponding author for the IMSML Website Articles. My official email address is: