The Arrest of The Superyacht Equanimity Seminar

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

May 5, 2021, Concorde Hotel Kuala Lumpur - The Arrest of The Superyacht Equanimity seminar organised by Legal Plus Sdn Bhd was based on the recently released book “The Arrest of the Superyacht Equanimity”, which highlights our former President, Sitpah Selvaratnam the author of the book and the legal team on how Malaysia successfully reclaimed what was hers. This is the first seminar to deliver insights into the the rare arrest, delicate management, and difficult sale of the Superyacht Equanimity by Malaysia, that recovered a historic USD 126 million in proceeds of an admiralty judicial sale.

There was also a book signing opportunity for the participants.